Register your event free of charge and increase your reach

More visitors thanks to more publicity

It's a simple calculation, actually!

  • Adding your event to the calendar gives you more reach
  • The reach increases the visibility of your event
  • The higher your visibility, the more visitors you can expect
  • The best thing about it: The calendar entry is simple and free of charge

Add your event

Your advantages with Eventfrog

Easy publishing

Simply add your event and publish it for free! You can create and publish your calendar entry within just a few clicks.

Be visible and get discovered

Publish your event in the Eventfrog calendar. This will help you be found in search engines such as Google.

Embed ticket sales

Sell tickets on Eventfrog and on your website. This way, your potential customers will remain on your page after the purchase.

Simply share and spread the word

Share your event effortlessly on social media. Thanks to interfaces, it also appears in media and tourism regions calendars.

Inform your guests

In the event description you can give your visitors all the important information around your event and tell them what to expect.

No restrictions

External ticketing? No problem for us! Simply add the link to your ticket presale to the calendar entry.

You've come to the right place. Where the bill adds up.

  • Whether one-off or recurrent
  • Whether you are a club member or a lone fighter
  • Whether digitally savvy or previously offline
  • Whether free of charge or with ticket sales
  • Whether party or panel discussion
  • Whether already published on Facebook & Co. or still completely private

Add your event now

Do you have any further questions?

We are happy to help. Our telephone support is available Monday to Friday from 10:00–12:00 and 14:00–17:00.

Hotline: +49 30 403 66 97 60

At weekends and on public holidays, we offer support by e-mail in urgent cases.